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If you’ve never had an ATM installed at your business before, you might be surprised to learn that the ATM machine installation process is much more involved than simply wheeling in your machine and dropping it in the corner. We’re experts in ATM installation at Hella ATMs so we can help you prepare for the arrival of your machine by walking you through the process beforehand.


Choose a spot in your store

Finding a place in your store for an ATM takes more than simply finding a square space where it fits. You’re going to want to consider a place where your customers will easily spot the machine so it gets used. Putting your ATM in the back corner at the farthest point from your cash register isn’t a good idea because many people either won’t see it or won’t want to walk across the shop to access it. On the other hand, you don’t want to put it right next to your register because that’s an area that can get crowded quickly and customers will be turned off by the idea of pushing through a crowd to get to the ATM. It’s recommended that you place the ATM near the door but away from the register.


Meet space requirements

Part of choosing the best location for your ATM includes making sure that there’s enough space around it for maintenance and loading cash. You should have enough clearance for the door to swing open a full 90 degrees while accounting for the door and its cover. This might mean that you need to move a display temporarily while loading the machine then put it back when you’re finished.

In addition to making enough space for loading cash into the machine, you need to be compliant with requirements that have been established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This states that you must have a handicap access area that’s 30” x 48”. You can arrange the area around the ATM to allow for a parallel approach or forward approach for an individual in a wheelchair depending on how you orient the access area. It’s also a good idea to check with your local government to learn about any other requirements you might have to meet.


Set up wiring

Besides simply plugging in your ATM, you’re going to need an internet connection. If you’re using a phone line, this should be a connection that’s dedicated specifically to your ATM so that service isn’t interrupted. You can also use an ethernet connection that runs through a computer. It’s also important to ensure that you’ve removed all security firewalls that might disrupt the connection between the machine and the host.


Anchoring the ATM

It doesn’t happen often but ATMs can be targeted by criminals looking to cash in on a quick payday. A plug and ethernet cable or even the weight won’t be enough to keep someone from trying to run off with your machine whether it’s inside or outside your store. This is why it’s essential that your machine is anchored to the ground. This is going to require you to drill anchor holes into the ground or flooring of your store to ensure that it’s secure and won’t get stolen.

After you’ve drilled the proper holes, you can hammer the anchor bolts into the ground and fasten your machine. When done properly, this will keep your ATM in place and make it nearly impossible to remove it without removing the bolts first.


Contact us for installation

At Hella ATMs, we understand if this seems like a cumbersome process. This is why we’ll help you decide the best place for your machine and complete the ATM machine installation process for you. Give us a call today at 1-800-484-5752 or send a message using our online contact form to learn more.

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Start boosting revenue with your own in-store ATM. Let's get you set up!

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Ready to get started?

Start boosting revenue with your own in-store ATM. Let's get you set up!